Sunday, December 6, 2009

Response to anonymous

In response to the anonymous user that attempted to post on this blog...

By stating that I should "stop feeding and watching the elk so I won't miss them when they are killed," you obviously have never taken young children to visit Benezette. First of all, I have NEVER, and I mean NEVER fed any of the elk or any other wild game animals.

If you could see the wonder and amazement in my young daughters eyes and the excitement in her voice when we spot that first elk on our visits, you would understand why we frequent the area. We are raising our children to appreciate nature and wildlife. I will not criticize your right to hunt wild, non-acclimated animals so please do not come to my family's blog and comment on our decision to expose our little girls to one of the few wholesome pastimes left for families to enjoy together.

Both the DCNR and RMEF believed in the concept of education and viewing of the elk... so much so they approved a major 12.4 millon dollar visitor center project specifically in Benezette aimed and doing just that. The center is designed to be the largest elk watching and conservation education facility in the Eastern United States. Please visit the DCNR website for more information on what a spectacular facility this is going to be come 2010. These animals were hunted to extinction in the 1840's then re-introduced to the area in 1913 but obviously not for the purpose of hunting if they are working so diligently to provide viewing and educational facilities for them.

I appreciate your opinion and you may visit a more appropriate forum to learn more on the matter, but I ask that you no longer make such comments on this blog dedicated to the beauty of nature that we are sharing with our children and other friends and family. Thank you.


  1. I enjoyed catching up on your blog today and was especially impressed with this post. An excellent response to anonymous!
