Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Early morning

So I decided to leave an hour early for school this morning to make a pit stop to photograph the deer at our special spot. When I arrived, they were not all out in the field like usual so I began walking back into the wooded area and whitetail deer were everywhere! They were jumping and running, moving far too fast to get any decent shots but a lot of fun to watch. A nice sized buck gave me a great opportunity to capture him but my inexperience coupled with my new "no auto" rule caused me to miss it. I was able to get a few, though not great of other whitetails and even caught a doe hanging out with a turkey!

I know my husband would have loved being there with me this morning but he was home with the babies. I hope he can get out there himself this week to enjoy some "nature therapy" because the rut is such an exciting time of year!

Camera Critters


  1. Heather, it was certainly worth you while to get out a little early!

    Thanks for your comment, I edited the post to include the shot info. To shoot this type of shot simply expose for the sky and allow all of the subject to be black. In this particular scene the sun is behind the deer just below the horizon. That is what makes the sky around the deer so bright.

    I hope this helps.

    Good Shooting

  2. Wow, you really do have a nice spot to take pictures of turkey and deer. All of my pictures of animals are on my birds blog. And the animals have to get into my back yard to be photographed and that presents some problems for things like deer who would have to jump over a high board fence. LOL Which they can do but somehow they know it wouldn't be worth the risk.

  3. Heather,

    It is good to see that you are seeing a lot of wildlife and getting some good photographs.
